Friday, February 18, 2005


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This is one of a few quick sketches i did recently during my exam modules time recently. I got increasingly frustrated at trying to revise and failing miserably (as i'd realise hardly any of what i'd been trying to learn had actually been going in and then i'd look at what i still had to learn, realising i hadn't even learnt a quarter of what i had to for the exam............depressing times). I found I had urges to draw (which was weird because i hadn't drawn anything in absolutely ages.......probably not since i gave up art 2 years ago) and the drawing was actually quite relaxing. It took my mind off the stupid exams and i felt like i had actually accomplished something with my time (which i wasn't while doing revision). I even found myself craving drawing at early hours of the morning and so i did. With these sketches i decided to use a pen rather than pencil, meaning i couldn't rub out any mistakes and so i would just have to incorporate the mistakes into the final picture (how daring i am). So heres the most recent one i've done of a fox (i hope thats obvious).


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