Saturday, February 19, 2005

Panini trauma

What a boring day i have had today. Well at least i did do something. I drew a picture of the x-man storm. Unfortunately it doesn't look very good (well i don't think its a very good drawing, it kind of just feels unfinished). I'll post it tomorrow because my sister is being a camera hog and has taken the camera up to her room (and has fallen asleep).

However i did go out around the corner *gasp*. Yep i went to get a sandwich for lunch. I had already fried and eaten some eggs which was kind of a brunch but i was still hungry and so was my sister. So being the kind brother that I am (even after my sister had repeatedly made the point that my fried eggs had made the house smell and had been going around the house spraying air freshener and opening all the windows. It was not as bad as she made out and it was worth the smell cos the eggs tasted good, they weren't off or anything) I ventured out into the freezing cold weather to get the sandwiches. My journey took me briefly to my parents office to get some money to buy the snadwiches with. Then I journeyed through the blistering winds towards the shop. It was already starting to rain (which it then did for most of the day, not that I mind as i like rain) but i soldiered on, eventually arriving at the shop.

Once there I embarked on making my order, two large lemon chicken rolls and one panini with motzerella, sun-dried tomatoes and pesto (one of the large lemon chicken rolls being for my sister's friend). The woman serving me just gave me the 'you greedy pig stare'. She then asked 'you want them all large?' again giving me the 'you greedy pig stare'. I just replied ' yes.' To be honest I couldn't really understand a lot of what the woman said to me so trying to get her to carry out my sister's slightly fussy order of a little bit of butter on the roll with salad but without any tomatoes wasn't much fun. The woman kept asking whether I wanted butter in the roll (which got slightly annoying after the 5th time) and I didn't understand a lot of her other questions so I just nodded (I have to wonder what ended up in the two rolls). So I eventually completed my task and ventured home to eat my panini. Oh and in case you were wondering the panini tasted good.


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