Monday, May 30, 2005

What next?!

I'm sitting in my dining room at the computer at 2.30 in the morning thinking about how bored I am but not feeling ready to go to sleep. It just occured to me now that I've finished school (not counting the imminent exams) that this, boredom, may be what i'll have to come to expect for part of the next year while on my gap year.

I have the first part of the gap year planned out and will be kept very busy and entertained at the same time, enjoying a sense of independance and achievement (having hopefully mastered the basics of the czech language, met and made new friends and acquired some interesting work experience). But what comes next?

I will be back in London (as I have to be to attend any interviews which I may be summoned for) but that won't be true of my friends. They'll all be going to university or residing in Israel. So there'll be no one to meet up with, no one to have a laugh with and no one to take stupid photographs with. There will no longer be frequent trips to Misato and Ryo or 4 player bongo sessions, let alone Four Swords sessions involving smashing lightbulbs.

I plan to get a job of some kind, which should keep me occupied for some of the time and I need to learn how to drive. I also may attempt to de-rustify my french skills and keep up my newly acquired ability to speak czech. Most importantly I will catch up on all the sleep I missed throughout my school time (certainly a very time consuming process). But even the sleep won't occupy me for the whole time (nor will the endless reruns of Trisha or Sally Jessie Raphael). What will I do?

Well I think I'll just see what happens. I've never been one to plan ahead, often just dealing with things as they arise. And I don't know what the circumstances will be when I get to that point next year. Things seem to have a habit of turning out ok in the end (and when it seems like they're not, in the long run the end result is even better than it would have been if things had initially gone right). So I guess I'll enjoy the coming months (well the months after the exams anyway) and who knows, next year the fun may continue. Its going to be one hell of a gap year. And there'll also be trips to Oxford, Surrey (I'll be visiting Nick and James, even if you don't want me to) and maybe even Israel.............theres no escape Josh!


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