Friday, February 03, 2006


I did another clerk job for my parents yesterday which meant travelling to some place i've never been to before at the far edge of the tube network. I was pre-warned that the client was mad (which was nice to know) before setting off in this freezing British weather to the station.

I had to get to Bank station which was easy before changing to the central line (which was again easy). But just as I was thinking to myself that this all felt too easy and that for once maybe I wouldn't encounter any travelling woes it all went wrong.

I got to the correct platform but found out there were severe delays on the line because someone had earlier that day jumped under a train on the platform. So the soonest train was 20 minutes and it wasn't the one I wanted. Neither was the next one nor the one after that and so it went on like this for about 45 minutes. I would have gone an alternative route but there wasn't one. The central line was the only line I could take. Finally there was a train that went the right way up to the station before my stop. So I jumped on and got to the station before where I needed to go. But there time repeated itself and all the trains were going the wrong way. I only needed to go one stop but had to wait another half an hour to do that. Damn it was cold.

Eventually I made that one stop journey and got out of the station. I had been told that the court was opposite the station. All I could see were houses. I suppose it was opposite the station...............if you ignore the existence of the houses and walk for about 10 minutes. The temperature seemed to have gotten even lower in this town and there didn't seem to be any people around, just parked cars (very much like that trip to Milton Keynes for Urban Survival).

The walk to the court took me through a nice park (with swans which was nice) and I was surprised to see that the court was actually situated in this park. It was like a stately home.

The actual time in court wasn't particularly exciting. I met the crazy clent who I didn't feel was so bad, well she wasn't yesterday anyway (i've heard some of the stories about her so I know she is pretty crazy). She does have very intense, piercing eyes and you can feel her staring at you a mile away (its a very uncomfortable thing being stared at by her). I could also tell she was an obsessive compulsive before I was actually told so when I returned home.

The return home was pretty easy (the delays weren't quite so bad by then). It was however freezing (yes I am mentioning that again)! Unfortunately I don't have a coat that goes over my suit jacket so I just didn't wear one (a coat that is). And on the tube they kept on 'testing the doors' which equates to the doors opening and shutting over and over for a number of minutes at each station stopped at.


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