Monday, August 29, 2005

The Performance

Each class on the third last day had to do a performance in the evening. My class decided to recite czech poems. Each of us in turn recited a short poem, acting it out and then, when everyone had performed, we turned around to reveal on our backs letters which, due to the order we stood in, read Dobruška 2005.

I was dreading the performance. I don´t like performing poems in English let alone in czech. We were the first class to perform which was good as it let us get it over and done with and then able to enjoy the rest of the evening. I was hoping I wouldn´t burst out laughing during my poem because the women performing before me was completely mad and her performance was hilarious. She was talking about a cat and a dog and acted out the scene with finger puppets and her own unique meows. In the practices I had been unable to control my outbursts of laughter during my poem as I thought about her performance.

But when it came to the real thing everyone performed perfectly.............well the woman before me had quite a few problems pronouncing basically all of her poem but it was part of the charm of her performance.

The other classes performances were fun, especially the last one which was hilarious. It consisted of the class members pretending to be each other during a normal lesson. It was acted excellently and the jokes, which played on the classmates poking fun at each other, were extremely funny. One girl in the audience even collapsed with laughter. Don´t worry she got back up again but looked in pain from laughing so much.

It was a really fun end to the evening and I was relieved my performance was over.................or so I believed.

The next day my class found out they enjoyed laughing at our versions of the poems so much that we and one other class had to perform them again to everyone and also to the major of Dobruška. Great. None of us wanted to do it but we did anyway and it went well. I was told my performance was cute and funny because I read it well but with a British accent.


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