Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Plague!

Not being able to use the computers here much makes it difficult to update this blog with everything that happened. But I just realised I didn't write about the sickness that swept the course in the 2nd week. It started one afternoon when my roommate and a girl from another room began vomiting. They then had a high temperature and went to bed. Everyone thought it was probably just a coincidence.

The next morning when waiting for the bus to arrive to go on a trip there weren't many people waiting. About half the people on the course weren't present. Gossip travelled fast and it turned out that many people had gotten sick and were vomiting during the night. I myself had woken up numerous times in the night feeling sick but hadn't vomited. But I was still feeling sick when I got up and I ended up feeling really bad for the whole day. But I went on the trip anyway and I was happy I did because it got me out and doing stuff instead of being stuck in bed bored to death.

We ended up going to a castle and looking at about 30 statues (yes, it was as exhilerating as it sounds). I spent the time trying not to be sick as there weren't any toilets nearby. It didn't help that it was a really hot day and I had a temperature. After we went walking up a hill towards the bus.

Once on the bus we went for lunch somewhere (I can't actually remember that part of the day at all) before going to a place referred to as 'heaven'. I question whether it really was heaven because I still felt the pain of my headache and slightly nauseous. To reach heaven we had to walk up a mountain for about an hour. It was a nice view but by then I felt really crap. They then took us rock climbing in heaven. One of the girls on the trip was sick.

I didn't have dinner because I didn't think I could hold it down and waited on the bus. One or two other people also came to the bus as they too were now feeling sick. On the way back apparently someone on the other bus was sick. I feel sorry for whoever was sitting next to them. In fact I feel sorry for everyone one the bus. The smell of Chanel is bad enough let alone Chanel + sick.

Once back many people (me included) went to bed. Two of my roommates were in bed still sick. The sickness ravaged the course for about a week. People were only ill for about 2 days at the most but those who weren't affected initially got the illness later. Many people blamed it on food poisoning (due to the fact that the food at the restaurant we ate in the night the sickness started was a bit dodgy). But officially it was a virus. Whatever it was we'll never know.


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