Saturday, December 10, 2005


Last week was spent shadowing in the Paediatric department. This was described by the doctor as being the P.R. department because its like he GP clinics but the doctor has to spend a lot longer with the patients (well the parents) explaining everything. The appointments were mostly for children to have vaccinations, children with asthma or throat infections and children with stomach pains (as a result of bacterial or viral infections). There was the odd different case (for example the girl with bad breath I mentioned in a previous blog entry, a child with oral thrush and a family of 5 who were all ill, 2 of whom had tonsilitis). There was also a little boy with facial paulsy that affected his left side. This meant he couldn't smile on his left side which was pretty sad.

I also got reminded of the importance of a doctor portraying confidence in his diagnosis, even if he isn't 100% sure he is right. Apparently it is quite common for parents to be in denial about their child having certain ailments (for example down syndrome and asthma, asthma being the ailment I witnessed this denial over). Therefore to convince the parents you can't indicate any uncertainty.

Another thing I did while shadowing in the Paediatric department was go on the rounds with the doctor. But theres not much to write about in regards to that.


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