Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Heres your white chocolate milk!

I made one mistake while making drinks today. I was being watched by one of my partners whilst making a white chocolate mocha for the first time. They showed me that I should add one shot to the white chocolate syrup and so I mistakenly thought they'd pressed the button. I was wrong. I poured the steamed milk into the mug and topped it off with some whipped cream. The customer happily took it and went to add some chocolate powder to it. Then the 'partner' asked if i'd actually put in the shot. I told her I thought she'd done it to which she replied she hadn't.

I quickly went over to the customer, told her what had happened (ie. that i'd served her some white chocolate milk) and apologised before remaking the mocha, shot intact.


At 10:31 pm, Blogger barista brat said...

funny thing is, with all the sugary stuff whe was adding, she prolly wouldn't have noticed there was no shot!

At 12:26 am, Blogger Alex said...

lol true.


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