Monday, March 06, 2006

Even houses need to sneeze...................

Its weird. I just took stuff out to the kitchen and turned the lights off there before going to turn off the computer (and then the light) in the dining room. While I was waiting for the computer to turn off I heard someone sneeze. I had just been in the kitchen and no one was there and I know my parents and sister are asleep upstairs so I found that very strange (additionally you can't hear anything in their rooms from the dining room and the sound seemed to come from the kitchen). I turned the kitchen light on again, went into the kitchen and looked in the toilet and large cupboard and obviously no one was there. So I just continued to turn everything off and now i'm writing this blog entry before going to bed. Its just weird some of the noises you hear in this house. I have to say sneezing noises is a new one though.


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