Saturday, February 11, 2006


I went to Leeds this morning by train with my dad to have a look around and get my bearings before Wednesday.

Its a nice city. Loads of shops (including a comic shop which I found in a sidestreet, I can certainly see myself being happy going to university there now). It also seemed pretty vibrant, well apart from the university campus which was dead (i'm guessing it had something to do with it being the morning after the Friday night partying; the closed curtains at 1pm that I saw while walking past the student accommodation area seemed to confirm this).

I wore my hat that my sister bought me for christmas today for the first time (as, you guessed it, it was very cold) and it was nice not to have frozen ears for once. However I realised once on I couldn't take the hat off unless I was comfortable walking around with scary hair (it was damn scary, all static, parts of it were standing up and other parts were statically stuck to my head ; in addition it felt really weird). But I took it off at times anyway.

So it seems to be a nice uni and its only a couple of hours (well roughly 2 and a half) travelling by train. Hopefully i'll prove myself at the interview on Wednesday and get an offer to go there.


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