Coach Driver
On the way to a fencing competition we had quite a funny driver driving the coach (well when I say funny he wasn't intentionally being funny, I just found some of the things he said hilarious). Here are two examples of things he said:
Driver: I tell you, this area used to be really rough and horrible.
Teacher: What, so its much better now then?
Driver: No.
Driver: They've got signs everywhere before these lights but now theres no signs anywhere! I can't believe it! I really can't! Can you believe it?
Driver: No I really can't believe it either!..........(sighs)........I just can't believe it.
Teacher: (looking around awkwardly) no, it is..........terrible.
Driver: Its more than terrible, its bad! I just can't believe it. I can't! How am I meant to know which way to go? I may have to go left, I may have to go right or I may even have to go straiht ahead! Its bad, really bad!
Teacher: urm, you realise those sideroads aren't actually roads. They're walkways. Cars can only go straight ahead.
Driver: Oh..........well I still can't believe it, I really can't!
Unfortunately his impression of the way snow sounds as it settles can't be translated onto the computer but take it from me, it was 'unique'.
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