Tuesday, October 25, 2005


On the 13 hour plane journey from Munich to Bangkok (I went from London to Munich, Munich to Bangkok and then Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur) a man in the seat to the left and one row in front of me got out a PSP and started playing it. In retaliation I decided to get out my DS.

In retrospect this wasn't the best idea. As soon as I started shouting out 'lie down!' and 'shake hands!' (to Helga my dog) people started to look at me funny. In reply to me exclaiming 'sit down!' one person felt the need to tell me they already were. She didn't look to happy when I told her I was talking to a dog.

So, a warning to all those with a DS, do not play any games that require the use of the microphone. Thank god I don't yet have (and therefore wasn't playing) Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney (a court game). I don't even want to think about how people would react to screams of 'objection!'


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