Thursday, April 27, 2006


Yesterday was the first day of Starbucks summer and the first time we had to wear our summer uniform (which is a yellow t-shirt rather than the black one). We also got some new foods in (most of which involved bananas in some way). I got to sample the new sandwich for lunch which was very nice.

But one of the not so fun aspects of the new foods/drinks launch was that, being the new employee, I was the one who had to go outside the store, walk up and down the road letting people who were walking towards the store sample the banana caramel cream frappacino. To be honest I was just happy they didn't make me wear a banana costume (which was threatened jokingly at the launch meeting last week). And it seems I didn't do to badly. Within a minute or two after coming back to the store to get more drinks for the sampling (since the samples ran out in what seemed like less than a minute) we had at least two customers (who I know about that is since I served them) asking for 'that drink i'd just let them sample' as, in their words, it was divine.

And the day didn't pass without a couple of difficult customers and me doing something stupid. There was a woman (with her husband) who just stared at me with a very grumpy look on her face. She wasn't very pleasant to serve. Her husband seemed to be the complete opposite of her, seemingly all happy. But when I had gotten their order the man said, 'well we wanted that taken away.' I had asked whether they wanted to eat in or take away and they'd said they'd want to eat in. But the man said it didn't matter and then started asking what my name was, saying in other Starbucks they wore name tags. I told them my first name and they asked if I was new at Starbucks. So I answered relatively new and they were a bit friendlier, saying it didn't matter about the mix up between take away and eat in. The woman even attempted a sort of smile.

Then I told the person making the drinks to make them take away drinks instead (so they could have the option to take the drinks out like they said they'd intended to). But when the woman gave the drinks to them they said they'd wanted them to have in the store. Strange people.

And as for the 'me doing something stupid' which I earlier referred to, just before my shift ended (which was the 6.50am start shift) I went to open and rinse a whipped cream dispenser. I thought it was empty. It wasn't quite as empty as I thought. There may not have been enough cream left to dispense onto a drink but there was enough to spray all over the wall next to the sink (and of course all over me). A great way to end a shift.


At 1:33 am, Blogger barista brat said...

alex, methinks the whipped cream has it out for you.

At 3:03 pm, Blogger Alex said...



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