Friday, April 21, 2006


I didn't get to blog yesterday since I was at work till 11 (pm). We had a meeting (where we learnt about all the new stuff they'll be introducing to Starbucks for the summer). And the meeting ended up with us eating pizza (well about an hour and a half after ordering it since the pizza delivery man got lost and drove straight past the shop).

I now have a new Starbucks top to wear (well its for wearing when the Starbucks summer period actually starts).

On another note I had some interesting customers yesterday (and I mean the word interesting to have negative connotations in this case). The main one that springs to mind was a woman with her two children (who seemed to be around 8-10 years old). I went to serve her and was greeted with a, 'why are there toys in the store?!'

I answered that we get a lot of parents with their children and so we made a little play area for the children. Then she raised her voice:

Woman: 'Well i'm going to ask again, why are there toys in the front of the store?! I come here to have some food in peace with my grown up children and I don't want to have little children playing with toys around me!'

Me: 'Well the middle and back of the store are quieter and they have the more comfortable seats. We've set it out so that people can relax in peace towards the back of the store and so the parents can relax in the front of the store since their children are occupied with the toys. The little play area actually helps make it quieter since the kids are pre-occupied with the toys.'

Woman: 'Well its awful! I come here to sit in the front of the store! You shouldn't have the play area! It needs to be gotten rid of!'

Me: 'Well actually a majority of our customers are parents who come with their children and they're very happy with the addition of the play area. And many of our other customers who aren't parents have commented on it being a good idea as it means there are less little kids running up and down the store knocking over anything they can.'

But the woman didn't seem to actually be listening to my answer to her question.

Woman: 'I still don't see why its there! Its ruined Starbucks for me!

By this point my partner that day got involved. She asked what the problem was and got told the 'problem' and her answer was exactly the same as mine.

Woman: 'Well thats not good enough! I'm never coming here again! You hear me!'

Me and Starbucks partner: 'Okay.'

The woman gave a nasty scowl and gave her order. I served her with a smile, gave her her food and drinks and guess what, today she was back at the store. Luckily though today I didn't have the 'pleasure' of serving her.

And the thing was, at the time she was there, there weren't even any young children present (apart from her own that is). The play area wasn't being used and it wouldn't have affected her Starbucks experience in any way whatsoever.


At 9:58 am, Blogger Nick said...

AAAAAAHHHHH! You said 'Starbucks experience'! They're making you into one of them - you're turning into a Starbuccaneer!

At 10:05 am, Blogger barista brat said...

i think some people come to bux just to complain!

btw - did you guys get the banana sauce and coconut syrup?

At 5:58 pm, Blogger Alex said...

Nick: lol so true.

Barista Brat: I'm starting to think that too. For summer theres a lot of banana stuff coming in ranging from banana cream frappacinos to banana muffins. But we have no coconut syrup.


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