Saturday, July 29, 2006

Nice Customers

I wouldn't be surprised if, from what I post, you thought we only got fussy, rude or just plain mad customers in my Starbucks but that isn't true. And this has been proven over the last few days. Our air con still hasn't been fixed and so our store is still ridiculously hot. We still have many people walking in and then walking straight back out and the ones who don't leave straight away make a point of the fact that its cooler outside than it is in our store. However some of our regulars have actually been phoning up the customer help line, not only to complain thats its too hot for them and that the company is losing business as a result, but also to state that they are not happy with the working conditions for me and my fellow baristas. Hopefully the company will actually listen to them and finally come and fix the air con since they've been ignoring our requests for weeks.

Regardless it was nice to be reminded that we have some very kind customers and to feel like some customers actually value us (unlike some who look down on us, making stupid comments reflecting their feelings of superiority despite the fact that their job consists of 'being a housewife' which in their case translates as sitting in Starbucks most of the day with another 'housewife' and bitching whilst their young child runs around and destroys the place). I think its a sign that you're becoming bitter when a blog entry intended to signal your gratitude to some nice customers so easily turns into a bitch/vent about some annoying ones. So i'll end the blog entry on a positive note. We get some very kind, friendly customers who I enjoy talking to and who somehow manage to counteract the less friendly ones.


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