Thursday, August 10, 2006


Tomorrow is my first day off work in 10 days. Woohoo! Its been a crazy week and a half. One by one the staff in my Starbucks have been becoming ill or injured. I'm not going to go into details but we've been dropping like flies. Now we're down to 3 people out of 8! Personally I think one of our crazy customers has placed some sort of curse on our store, and if you saw some of our customers you wouldn't think that was such a far fetched idea.

Also today a new person started. It was weird teaching someone how to do things and having them come to me for help. In fact its weird to think i've been working in Starbucks for almost 6 months now!

Then about half way through my shift today someone got run over right outside my store. Almost straight away one of my Starbucks partners was on the phone calling 999 and there were people around the person with first aid kits and blankets. The persons leg was bleeding quite badly and was probably broken but they were conscious. The ambulance didn't take long to arrive and hopefully the person will be ok.

So yeah, all in all a crazy week (and thats only so far, I only have tomorrow off and then i'm back at work). Hopefully i'm not next on the curse's list!


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