Saturday, January 19, 2008

Long time no blog

Well, as the title says, its been a long time since my last blog post. So I thought its about time I revitalise my blog. Only problem is I don't really have anything interesting to revitalise it with. So to say i'm revitalising it would be a lie.

A lot has happened since my last post, a lot meaning its too much to write about on here. So i'm just going to write about not writing about it. What a succesful blog post this is turning out to be.............................

Well we started our time on the wards on Friday. Unfortunately it was cancelled for my group due to the ward being relocated. So instead we start next Friday. This provided my group with a morning off which I then proceeded to waste by attempting to have a lie in which didn't quite work out. Oh well.

I also applied to be part of a scheme they have at my uni called the WAMS mentoring scheme (WAMS standing for widening access to medicine). Its basically a scheme to help encourage people who wouldn't normally consider medicine to do so, providing them with a current medical student to answer questions, help them with their UCAS stuff, give them advice and info on the interviews etc. But when we had the meeting my mentee didn't turn up. I later found out that, along with some other mentees, he had decided not to take part in the scheme after all. So i'm currently menteeless. Oh well.

I passed my handwashing exam which, as you can imagine, was very challenging. So challenging in fact one person failed because they forgot to use soap. Hmmmmm.

People keep coming to look at our house (as we've decided to live somewhere else next year). This has proved quite annoying, especially when you're in a toilet which doesn't have a lock and a group of random people try to open the door thinking its a bedroom and not bothering to knock first. Luckily I stopped them opening the door before they saw me. But they still found the situation hilarious. I didn't, especially since on coming out of the toilet I was greeted by the words, 'when you have to go you have to go!' to the sounds of laughter. I was just like, 'er, yeah' whilst wondering what the point of that statement was. Thankfully it seems someone must have signed for the house as the 'visits' seem to have stopped.