Sunday, September 10, 2006


I finished my last shift at Starbucks today. It hasn't really sunk in yet. I'm really going to miss my fellow baristas.

Today was really just another day (well another very busy day) but with all the 'special' (and I use special to signify either their good or bad qualities) customers making an appearance. Its almost like they knew I was leaving and wanted to say goodbye in their own special ways. There was the old woman with crazy hair (no, not The Crazy Bitch. Her hair is crazy in a different way) who won't order anything that isn't contained in packaging (to make sure the food is sterile). Once I 'contaminated' her plastic cup (which i'd given her for her juice drink) because I dared to put ice cubes in it (with a scoop of course). There was the 2 and a half shot, semi-skinned, extra hot caramel macciato woman who always tries to get free drinks out of us and pays for her drink with a cheque (well thats after she pretends she doesn't have enough money whilst eyeing up our tips box). There were the nice friendly regulars (including the one who was upset i'm leaving because it means she now has to retrain someone else to make her drink exactly the way she likes it and to select the perfect almond croissant from the daily selection). I even have a new nickname (given to me by the children of one of our regulars). I am Mr. Tall. My manageress was also given a nickname. She is to be known as Mrs. Small. The Crazy Bitch made a much appreciated appearance, giving me a scowl as she made her way from the toilet to the stores exit. And, to top it all off, we were graced with a visit from Mr. Extra Hot But Not Too Hot! I couldn't believe it. I burst out laughing as soon as I noticed I was about to serve him. I even then had to make his drink. He tested it and was happy. Then 5 minutes later I got another visit from him. In the 5 minutes waiting at the bus stop a terrible thing had happened. His hot chocolate had slightly cooled down!

Oh Starbucks how I shall miss you!


At 9:33 pm, Blogger Alex said...

Lol I think you're right!


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