Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Fountains of craziness

So far today has left me feeling drained and confused.

I went with my sister to the Haringey Council headquarters to hand in some form which she'd filled regarding her student loan (Haringey Council had mucked up her loan and so demanded some new form be filled in so they can muck it up all over again and if I sound bitter its only because they've also mucked up mine for something like the 5th time and i'm starting uni in a week). Anyway as soon as we walked in we were greeted by a very long queue for the reception desk. So we queued. We queued some more. And about an hour and a half later we finally got to the front of the queue. The receptionist asked how she could help us. Before we could actually answer she'd got a ticket, stamped it and given it to us, telling us to sit and wait for out number to be called.

So we started our waiting (which was effectively another queue). Another hour went by. The place was filled with frowns and a general feeling of being fed up (accompanied by the screaming of children and angry women). Eventually we got to the front of the queue. We went over, handed in the form, got a receipt and left. So thats two and a half hours of boredom to hand in a form which should have taken a couple of minutes at the most.

On returning home we noticed water jetting out of the ground by the Crouch End Clocktower (it was jetting up as high as the clocktower). Adding to the confusion was the fact that we encountered quite a few random outbursts whilst walking down the street. When walking past a bus stop one woman suddenly screamed out, 'I forgot! I forgot!' and a little later whilst still walking a woman suddenly made a very strange, undescribable and rather loud noise.

So now i've got to sort out my student loan for the sixth time. Haringey council said they'd changed the amount they were giving me (because they weren't sending me the right amount for my university despite the fact that we'd got my university to send them a letter telling them how much I should be getting). I got the letter from them today where they've supposedly corrected my loan amount....................apparently changing a loan amount actually translates as sending the original amount all over again. They didn't make any change whatsoever. So todays bound to get even more interesting, especially when my mum gets on the phone to them.


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