Friday, April 01, 2005

Party At The Airport

I've just been on holiday in the Czech Republic (came back 3 days ago) and haven't blogged anything about it so heres an entry about the arrival. Our flight was the first commercial flight to Brno (which is strange seeing as its the second largest town in the Czech Republic with only Prague being larger). There was no celebrations on the aircraft so we weren't expecting anything to happen. How wrong we were. As the plane landed we noticed a crowd waiting, watching. On our exiting the plane the crowd started taking pictures and cheering. This was embarrasing enough. My dad then decided it would be a good time to stop and take a picture of the plane, prolonging the embarrasment. Then came the weirdest bit, walking out into the arrivals area. There was music, people in costumes dancing, people taking photos, people singing, drinking beer and general merriness. Some of the other passengers walked out as if what they were a star making their entrance to the country on the red carpet, waving to the fans and blowing kisses (ok, maybe they didn't go that far but they certainly relished the limelight). It was surreal. I preferred to make a much hastier exit through the crowd. As I did so I was given a badge welcoming me to Brno and I guess as some sort of token to remind me of this experience. Well I don't think the badge was necessary. I certainly won't be forgetting the arrival any time soon.

Well the story of the Ryanair flight made the Brno papers the next morning. My dad got a better picture of the plane than them though. Heres the photo:

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