Today marked a momentous occasion. I finally finished my biology coursework. It took up most of my monday (into the early hours of the morning) but it is done! finito! And I never have to do another biology coursework ever again.
But I can't say finishing it off went smoothly (as is typical when I need to meet a deadline). I needed to print it off before I could draw my diagrams but my printer decided it would be funny to only print half the page for all 26 pages. It wasn't funny. So then, after recalibrating my printer in the hope that it would stop messing around, I tried to print the coursework again. My printer hadn't learnt its lesson and proceeded to inform me that it had no more black ink. I remained calm, determined not to let the computer perceive my frustration and decided to e-mail myself the coursework which I could then print off at school the next day. I could draw the diagrams that evening, ready for sticking onto the coursework after printing it off at school. So I loaded up hotmail and attached the coursework to an e-mail. But as I tried to send the e-mail to myself the computer decided it didn't like what I was doing and refused to send it. I tried over and over again but it kept taking me to an error page. So I restarted the computer and went back on my e-mail to send it where I was greeted by at least twenty e-mails containing my coursework. To make matters worse my computer wouldn't let me off that web page, telling me whenever I clicked on anything that there was no data. Did I ask for any data?! No, I did not! My computer has a very strange sense of humour. I on the other hand at that point in time (feeling very tired) had no sense of humour and just turned my computer off, going instead to my room to draw the diagrams. The diagrams took quite a while to draw and involved me exhausting all my artistic ability..................well not really, they look a bit crap and took me about half an hour, but after finishing them I went to bed.
The next day I tried to print off the coursework at school. I was a bit worried I would cause a queue in the library with my 26 pages to print but that worry was soon replaced with the worry of how I would actually print it off at all when the library computer told me that there was already a queue for the printer (of 6 other people) who had apparently been waiting to print for hours. So my next stop was the reading room, a room well known for its printer that plays up all the time. I wasn't feeling optimistic. I was therefore shocked when it printed all 26 pages perfectly. So now all that was left was to find a pritt stick, a quest which was to last me the rest of the day.
I asked a number of people whether they had a pritt stick. No one had one. I could have sworn my pencil case had always contained one even though i'd never had to use it, but apparently it no longer did. Typical, when you need something its no longer there. I considered making a trip to the art department, a place I haven't been to for quite a while but decided against it as I didn't think they'd take kindly to me 'borrowing' a pritt stick. I've already been named Alex Miller the Serial Killer at school. I didn't feel like being branded a thief as well.
The time came for the biology lesson and my pritt stick dilemma was solved by my teacher giving me selotape to stick my diagrams down with. So it all ended well.............or so I thought. My teacher told me that my graphs weren't labelled correctly and that for the graphs everything needed to be in pen rather than pencil. So, wandering what else would prevent this coursework being finished, I slaved away at the graphs, finishing right by the end of the lesson. I handed it all to my teacher. He said I hadn't added standard deviations for my graph of rate against temperature. I was confused (and fed up). I just said untactfully, 'I can't do that'. He said, 'you're right you can't' (as the standard deviations wouldn't translate onto the rate graph) and so I handed it in and in utter relief walked off into the sunset.