Saturday, April 09, 2005

Disturbing dream

Well lately my life has been boring without much in the way of bloggable material which is why there hasn't been an update in a few days. I could have written about staring at the computer screen, trying to force myself to finish a biology coursework which i should have handed in before the holiday actually started but i thought i'd spare you the tedium that that would be (and i'm still contemplating finishing it right now; as you can see I'm failing).

As a quick update on my life I got rejected from the university I had that interview for the other day (yeah that one with the tube journey gone wrong) and so, now that i've been rejected from all 4 universities I applied for, I'm going to have to look into what options remain open (most likely a gap year). Also today I had a clarinet exam (grade 4) which went alright. My pieces went quite well and my scales were so-so. Its just a shame about my sightreading which was awful. Anyway will just have to see how it goes. I felt a similar thing when doing my grade 3 and I somehow got a merit so maybe I'll pass (and pass reasonably at that!). But moving on from those boring pieces of information I thought I'd blog about a weird dream I had. It may not be as weird as the one where my pet fish were swimming around my room (even though it didn't contain any water) and I was frantically trying to catch them with a net but it still was quite random.

I don't know where I was in the dream. It was a very white room with nothing much in it but I was sitting on a dentist chair. The dentist was standing over me (I'd never seen this dentist before in my life but apparently he was my dentist) and he told me I needed braces. I was shocked at this and said, 'but my teeth are fine. I've always been told I don't need braces because my teeth are straight as it is.' His answer was, 'I know, you're teeth are fine.' I just answered, 'so then why do I need braces?' to which he simply replied, 'because you do.' Then he immediately got out a drill (it seemed almost comically large, definately not what dentist drills look like but more like a drill for a road or something) and started drilling. This lasted a few seconds before he revealed the braces in a mirror that just appeared in front of me. He had given me massive headgear. In a state of shock I then woke up. I don't get where this dream came from. I've never had a fear of the dentist, mainly because I've never experienced 'the drill' or needed anything drastic done to my teeth and its not even as if I have a dentist appointment coming up soon.

Dreams supposedly have meanings but I don't see what this could mean. Hopefully its not a sign of things to come (not that theres anything wrong with braces but I don't really want to experience that drilling process for real, especially when its unnecessary, and be fitted with massive headgear).


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